Christendom's God
Christendom’s Threat
Three is one,
And one is three.
Believe what we teach,
Or suffer for eternity.
Chapter I of A Truer God
The False God of Christian Myth
In the beginning, the God of Christian myth created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden desiring for them eternal happiness. But God had also created a perfect angel by the name of Lucifer. He was the “Anointed Cherub” who led the celestial hosts in praise and worship. But one day, Lucifer became full of pride and fell into sin, desiring worship for himself. He became the Devil, contaminating other perfect angels who themselves became demons. Lucifer’s rebellion surprised and disappointed God.
Lucifer hated Adam and Eve and so decided to trick them into disobeying God whom he also hated. In the guise of the serpent, he was able to convince the first two humans to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God became surprised and disappointed with Adam and Eve also. Since by their own choice, they had welcomed sin and evil into the human race, He was forced to curse them and their descendants with lives of toil ending in death. Thus Lucifer, abetted by the perverse will of our first parents, ruined God’s wonderful plans for mankind.
Lucifer, under the name of Satan, became the overseer of a place created by God for the eternal torment of human souls after death called Hell. But God wished that Adam and Eve and all of their descendants could be saved from such a horrible fate. God was lucky enough to have a Son who, being purposed to die on Calvary, could at least salvage a certain percentage of humanity from the Hell fires of everlasting torture. Since the time of Adam, the best that God can do is appeal and beg and plead with sinners so that He at least gets some in heaven, otherwise the Devil gets them all in Hell.
But at the same time also, the Devil—the most deceptive and subtle of all God’s creatures—appeals to sinners not to accept Christ, and thus entraps as many as he can in endless despair. God, mainly through church pulpits and radio and television preachers, continues to battle with Satan, trying to get as many humans as possible saved and into heaven.
God foresaw the existence of all the billions of human beings when He created Adam and Eve. He realized what a big gamble it was—for most of these beings would wind up in everlasting anguish because of the Devil. Yet He went ahead with Adam’s and Eve’s creation anyway because at least some of their descendants would be able to enjoy eternal bliss with Him in heaven.
Then for some reason, at the tower of Babel, He deliberately confounded the one language of the world into many, and made it that much harder for heathens and sinners to find out what they need to do to be saved. How much easier it would have been to save the lost if we all had continued to speak just one language!
Then, during the Dark Ages, either God would not or could not give to the world which He “so loved” printed Bibles, tracts, radios, printing presses, etc., to keep them from the Devil’s bondage. And even to this day, with all these things, millions of heathens are not reached who, for the most part, must be lost, or Christendom would not be sending missionaries and money to the foreign fields.
Throughout human history, the God of Christendom works a few miracles here and there but, generally speaking, average people don’t get to see one, even though such an event would greatly help their ability to believe in Him. And stranger yet, God saves His greatest miracle for last, after earth’s history ends and He has lost the battle for the most souls to Satan. He keeps billions of souls alive and conscious forever in a tormenting fire that never goes out and yet never consumes its victims. This greatest of supernatural marvels is also the most spectacular display of hatred and vengeance ever in the universe. Infinite suffering becomes the punishment for finite transgressions. Ultimately, the God of Christendom spends more of his energy seeing to the torment of human souls than doing anything else. What glory the miserable sound of billions of wailing lungs and gnashing teeth brings to Him we are not told.
Despite all the pulpit talk of peace, love, grace, truth, and light, the basic and unmistakable message to humanity from the God of Christendom seems indistinguishable from extortion— “Obey Me or burn!”
It is indeed sad, but the majority of mankind, abetted by Satan, turn out to be more determined to be lost than God is determined to save them. Instead of winding up mankind’s destiny to the good, the so-called “God of Love” keeps on tormenting most of His creations for eternity. A shattered universe, not a reconciled and harmonious one, crowns the efforts of the Almighty God and the intervention in human history of His Anointed One, Jesus Christ.
Questions about the plans and purpose of the God of Christendom, and about Christendom itself do arise.
How can anyone be “happy” in God’s heaven knowing that one or more family members—wife, husband, brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter—is trapped in punishment and suffering without end?
Why is it wrong for us to torment our own children for even a short time but okay for God to torment many of His forever?
If God is Love and Love never fails, why is it that God’s Love does not apply to those who need it most?
Why can’t the Creator master His Own creatures?
Why isn’t God powerful enough to overcome the powers of evil that have estranged His creatures from Him?
Why is He not wise enough to lure the rebellious back to Himself?
Wouldn’t a random universe with no purpose at all be far more benign than the universe created by the God of orthodoxy? If we evolved from some kind of primordial slime, we’ll probably devolve back into it, and just cease to exist. In the end, there will be no anguish, no torment, just nothingness. Isn’t this much to be preferred over the end the God of Christendom has in view—a few happy souls and billions of suffering ones, cursing God, their Creator, forever?
Why do humans welcome the birth of children with great joy? If there’s even a slim chance of a precious newborn eventually winding up in eternal torment, shouldn’t we be weeping at that horrible prospect?
Why does much of Christendom oppose abortion when it is a sure way to counteract the awful possibility of a soul’s unending agony?
And why do they oppose homosexual unions? Same-sex marriages may be unnatural but at least they do not bring foredoomed souls into the world.
When we begin to ask these kinds of questions, we are told to be quiet and just believe in this weak, failing, blundering, and fiendish God of popular Christendom.
After all this very bad news, the good news is that this object of worship presented to us by the theologians and gospelizers is, indeed, a God of myth, and not of the Scriptures. The True God is much different, thank God.
Chapter II: The True God of the Sacred Scriptures