Table of Contents
I. The False God of Christian Myth .....................7
II. The True God of the Sacred Scriptures .........11
III. Mistranslation—A Cloak of Deception ..........15
IV. Hell—A Doctrine of Demons .........................23
V. The Riddle, the Taboo, and the Threat ..........31
VI. The True God’s Time—the Eons ................. 39
VII. The Purpose of the Eons ............................ 47
VIII. God’s Creative Original ...............................51
IX. The First Eon—the Celestials .......................57
X. The Disruption of the First World-System ......61
XI. The Second Eon—Mankind ..........................67
XII. The Deluge ....................................................81
XIII. The Third Eon—Man’s Day ..........................85
XIV. The Snatching Away of the Ecclesia ............91
XV. The Day of Indignation ..................................101
XVI. The Millennial Eon ........................................107
XVII. The Great White Throne Judgment ............117
XVIII. The Eon of the Eons ...................................127
XIX. The Consummation—the End of the Eons ..135
XX. A Scriptural Summary ....................................139
XXI. Afterthoughts and Credits .............................141